On the whole Art comes from one human being’s compulsion to communicate to another – All means are equally appropriate – In Painting as in literature one often confuses the means with the goal – Nature is the means not the goal – If one can achieve something by changing nature – then one must do so – In an intense state of mind a landscape will make a certain impression on one – by depicting this landscape one will arrive at an image of one’s own mood – it is this mood that is the main thing – Nature is merely the means – Whether the picture resembles nature is irrelevant – To explain a picture is impossible – It is precisely because one cannot explain it in any other way than it has been painted – One can only give a little hint of what one was aiming at I do not believe in art which has not been forced into being by a man’s compulsion to open his heart All art like music must be created with one’s lifeblood – Art is one’s lifeblood

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